Click on the image to view the tutorial to make each bag.
All original contents of this website, including words and images are belongs to each individual who had provided them in their own site. All credits and rights are reserved to them.
Please visit, link and share some loves to them for using their wonderful tutorials. They'd absolutely love to see the version from your own creation. Good luck!
Grab our button & come back anytime!

Copy paste this section
1 – 200 of 285 Newer› Newest»Thanks for including my tutorial!
awesome site!
Thankyou so much for including my tutorial :) I've added your fantastic resource to my 'some nice places to visit' linkies and I'm going to write a little post about your site over the next few days,
thanks again,
Beccy :)
This is great! I love how you put everything on one page with pictures.
WHOA! This is amazing! Thank you so much for putting this resource together. And thank you for including my tutorial. I feel so privileged to be included!
Thanks for including my tutorial. Wonderful blog and I will be adding a link for you. Hope you will check out my charm square rag quilt purse tutorial too. I have been told it is the best freebie rag purse tut on the net.
Mad a button on my blog! Great way to keep it all organized. I know I need to make some bags now!!
Great resource! Thanks for gathering and sharing!
Wow, this is an incredible resource! I blogged about you!
Fantastic, You've done a great job, I am now a follower and will blog about you soon!
I'm so tickled you included my Kindle 1 bag. Thank you for letting me know about the link as now I've discovered your amazing and wonderful blog. So many great projects to try, ought to keep me out of trouble for awhile just looking at all the things I can do. I'll add your blog to my Creative Links list.
I think this is my new favorite blog! Thanks!
THanks for including my tutorial. I have listed your button on my sidebar. What a great collection of bag tuts.
AWESOME! I love that this is all in one place..... So much easier when you're looking for a pattern but can't remember where you saw it and have a bookmark list the length of the great wall of china. You are a star!
This is the best site ever! I can't wait to share this with my podcast listeners! Thanks so much for compiling it!
I'd be so pleased to have you include my slouch bag pattern and tutorial if you like. Blogged here:
Thanks so much for your work! It's nice to see pictures of the bags while going through the list. I'm definitely bookmarking this one!
I just wanted to say thanks for posting my tutorial, I've gotten a lot of traffic via your site!
I edited my tutorial to have a better final picture, as once I saw it on your blog I realized how much I needed a better one. If you get a chance, would you change the demo photo on my travel bag tutorial?
Thank you so much! Love the support!
Love your group of great bags! Saw you recommended on Pink Pincushion blog and now you are on my Google Reader list, too! Thanks, Pokey
Thank YOU!
What a wonderful collection af tutorials from bags!!
Agneta from Sweden
OMG! What a nice page you share with us! Love it and want to try everything!!!!!!
Ann-Christin Sweden
Would you like to have the instrictions for my jeans-stripes bag that you can see on my blog? But it is in German only!
I saw you on Pink Tulips blog and I hope you want to include my quilted envelope tutorial to your list!
This site is a fantastic idea!! Thanks so much for the best site a diy bag lover can wish!
Oh My! I have died and gone to "Bag Heaven!" I love every one of them. Thank you for this site.
Wow this is just fabulous - thank you everyone for your inspiration. am I allowed to put the DIY button on my blog?? for easy reference and for others to view??
What a great resource.
I have a few tutorials in my blog
Just check the sidebar for the links.
Also just posted a Recessed Zipper Shoulder Bag Tutorial.
Thanks for adding my pattern!
If you want , you can use a link from my webpage for the bathina bag.
Will link your wonderful blog if it´s okay.
Best !
Thank you so much! I love your blog & I'm a bag-addict:-)
Have a nice day!
A wonderful selection of bags. I have added your link/picture to my sidebar. Happy days.
Love this blog! I am a handbag fanatic and I feel like a kid in a candy store. Thanks so much!!!
Hi, a wonderful site , I passed on an award to you , please collect it---cottonreel
Thank you, what an amazing site, i have copied your button and its proudly on my blog. I cant sew for peanuts but i am going to give some of these bags a go.
And thanks to all of the talented ladies who have supplied all of this goodness.
Awesome, thank you so much! And what lovely ladies to take the time to make the tutes, you gals rock!
This is amazing, thank you, all the bags that i love it are here, sory my english is not the best.Monica from Tenerife island
Dear, I have actually made the harm raggy quilt purse by Rainbow creek & it turned out very nice. It is simple and doesn't take long. I can't post the picture here, so to those who want to take a look at my bag, pls go here
Thanks again & i'd to try the rest soon
hi there,
i've tried another bag from here, thanks sewtakesahike. to see the finish product, go to
I tried my link of the Bathina Bag and unfortunately it doesn´t work.
I don´t know, what it means, when this page can´t be opened by frame?
I am sooo sorry for that- is there an other possibiliy to link the pattern?
I linked it on my blog and it works great- mybe you want to link my blog if it won´t work ?
Sorry again- Best wishes !
I find something new everyday and this was like finding a gold mine!! I love to make my own bags and I love to have a large selection, this just made my day. Thank you to everyone who shares so much of their own talents with others.
super cool site!
WOW! almost I know what to do with my remnant pieces.
i love this site so much.. it is so inspiring.. and helping me a lot!
do you have the same thing for felt creation or diy dress for kids? i can start my new hobby...thanks
Gracias por esta recopilación de tutoriales. Está maravillosa. Te felicito.
I found you site and am now following. I have also added your button to my own blog so that i can share with anyone who enjoys it as much as I do. Thank you great stuff.
Great blog! My Mum sent it to me. Will be adding you to my blog:
Cheers ♥
I love this blog. It's a great one stop source for all bag and tote needs. Do you know of a diy bag or case to make that will nicely hold all the papers and books we get at Weight Watchers.
I wanted to let you know you have an award waiting . Thank you and have a great day
I have a tutorial too, for my Eternal Beauty bag:
And will be posting more tutorials soon!
very cool! I made the buttercup bag months ago and plan to make the owl bag next.
I also have another new tutorial that I've finally finished:
thank you so much for that page, i loved it...regards from uruguay, nancy
Just shows that you can never have enough bags. Thanks for the great tutorials, instructions and ideas.
Cathy from Northern Ontario, Canada.
Absolutely brilliant! Thank you for putting all of that together
It is a wonderful site.You have a wast variety.On Trendy Diaper Bag we also have a dynamic collection.I advice that you must view it once.
I have a little bag too. It's just a little tote bag ornament but maybe you'd be interested.
This is a great site. I come to look often.
I love all of this bags! I had add a post about you on my blog!
This is a fantantic list. Alot I have not seen before. Thank you for investing the time and effort of putting this together.
WOW - What a wonderful site - all my favourite bags are here plus some new ones - I'll definitely be bookmarking this one - thank you very much.
I'd love for my bags to be listed too!
thers a few more on listed at the side of the blog but these two I'm happiest wtih :D
Thank you
I just want to update the blog's address, for the "Eternal Beauty" and "Classical Romance" tutorials (Januar Designs):
That's an amazing collection af tutorials from bags!!!
Wonderful site!!keep it up:)
Maybe you want to include my tutorial of my Lola-da-Loka Bag.
You can find it here:
I love your blog so I became a follower to.
Big hug
i have a cute easy bag tutorial i would love to add! your blog gave me some great bags to make too!
I love this blog! bags are my passion!
I've got one bag to make. And will send the instructions with it when I finish.
But see a lot of bags you have that I have to make. So neat. Kind of like having a different bag every day.
Cannot get the Guitar Bag link to work---please reply!!!
Thank you
This is like discovering a new candy store. Love it, I'll be back.
I love this site, it has so many amazing purses.
thank you for all the effort u put into making out the list of bag creator...awesome work...i'll definitely will try them out... keep up the good work..and for all the creators ...thank you for ur great tutorial
Awesome site! I especially love how you actually have pictures of the patterns instead of just the names like many bag pattern lists. I just blogged about it and I see some more bag making in my future!
This is a great spot for inspiration. Do you have the capability of sending alerts to your fans so we know when you've added a new bag?
I have a new tutorial for the "Wishful Thinking" bag:
I´m in love with "making bags"
Your site is a wonderful list of "recipes"
Thank you
I love your site! I found this bag tutorial if you wanted to add it:
thanks for great idea and collection. I featured in as a logo.
If you are not pleased please let me know and I will remove it.
thanks again.
So many beautiful bags!! I'm looking for a bag pattern that has front pockets and I haven't been able to find what I'm looking for. =(
Hey, Jennifer,
I'm always looking for bag tutorials to make and if you let me know what you're looking for, I might make one if it works out.
You can visit my bag making blog, maybe you'll find something that suits you, anyways.
Let me know:
Thank you so much for sharing those tutorials...I know it is hardwork to find on the web and collate & compile those information into a central repository like this...takes lots of effort...however, may i suggest that you include the last date you have it updated so that we also know (like me who often not checking my RSS) the latest update that you have and also sort the bags based on the date that you found it and post would be very handy as you or your followers may want to refer to certain dates it was posted...and the order of the entry would be neatly placed on your blog...because sometimes I see the arrangements of the bags changed and I wonder if there are bags that are no longer listed here (posts moved when you append more contents)....this is my humble opinion and obligations yeah :)
Luv this
Hi! I absolutely adore this site. I made a bag based on one of the links! I've benefited from so many online tutorials made by generous people so I thought I'd give something back too. I made a bag based on one I bought in a shop selling cute Vietnamese products. Here the link to my tutorial:
I'd be thrilled if it can be included in your blog. Thanks!
good, i like it
Thanks for such a great site....I heard about you from Amy at Diary of a Quilter so I came to visit and made the Shoulder bag by Tiny Happy with a few modifications.....blogged here:
I'll grab your button next and am looking forward to trying another tut!!
GREAT group of projects! There are several I didn't have bookmarked, so Thanks!!
I have a bag tutorial on my blog too, if you're interested in another. :) It's linked in my sidebar on the right, Dresden Petal Handbag.
I have a new laptop bag tutorial at that you might like. Thanks for putting together this awesome compilation!
I think I am in heaven. I love making bags and have made many but your site is awesome. I will grab your button for my blog too.
Definitely BAG heaven!! How'a a girl supposed to CHOOSE???:) Thanks so much! I'm grabbing a button for my lil(seriously little) blog! Happy Crafting Everyone!
Hi :-)
I am looking for a tutorial to make a hanging bag similar to the Hanging Crib Toy Bag, except instead of having the strap that attaches it to the crib it has a wide strip of material that connects to a sandbag. The sandbag sits on the shelf and the bag hangs over the side. I'm sorry I don't know what they are called :-) I hope you can help me find a pattern. Thank you!
I love this blog! I have made a few of the bags, and I am going to be working on a tutorial of my own very soon. How often do you add new bags to the collection? Thanks for posting these!
This is truly a goldmine of bag! Love it!
Bag makers of all levels!
I opened a new bag making contest in my blog! Be sure to check it out and take part in it if you will. All details in the blog:
Great collection. Makes life easier. Thanks!
Proud to be your 500th follower!
I will link to this blog, thank you for making life easier
Thanks for this wonderful site.
Eleonora from Stockholm
Made the Wasp Bag, love it but posted a link to it on my and now the Wasp Bag pattern will not open from your site???
You won my giveaway for the HomeRoutines app! Email me at so I can send you your code!!
I love all the handmade bags! Awesome! I am a follower now. :)
Adin B
I am trying to access the DENIM BAG WITH POLKA DOT BOW but the link keeps going to Barnes & Noble - weird!
Can you help with a direct link or anything? thanks, love the blog :)
i am so speechless ... feels like a kid in a candy store !!!!!!
thank you Maya ... you ve done a marvelous job !!
Hey! Love your site! Added your button to my blog. How did you make it.... I am sooo jealous!
Love your site. But the "Dead Cat Bag" is sooooo inappropriate. Yuck.
Oh my goodness! I am in love with this page! I love making bags more than just about anything else, and this is amazing. Thank you!!!!!
Love this site! I've grabbed your button :)
Hi, I have a tutorial for a Shoe Bag made with a repurposed metal tape measure to share. See it here
Enjoy, Yvonne
Thank you so very much!!
your pictoril linking is just super awesome!!! I revere this site!!! Its the ultimate answer for all kinds of bags I'd ever want!!
Oh! Thank you so much!!!
Wow! What an impressive collection you have here!
I also have a tutorial for a purse made from a pair of jeans
I love all of these patterns and have made a few myself :) I have a free 'Roll Up Shopping Bag' tutorial on Scribd - Please feel free to share it.
Janelle xx
I have a ruffled shoulder bag tute on my blog here:
I'd be honored if you choose to add it to your site. Have your button and love to check in for the new bags. Thanks so much! Angie
What an amazing collection of bags!
Love to have my Snappy Bag listed.
Thanks, Nancy
I have a shoulder bag upcycled from a military shirt. Take a look!
I have a purse tutorial on my site that I would love for you to post. If you do, I will add your button to my site.
whooaaahh.. i'm in DIY bag heaven!! *super ecstatic*
do check my bag tutorial here (, wish it can be featured in this blog ;)
Wow !!
Thank you soo much for collecting all these georgeous bag tutorials
I have a pouch tutorial, here is the link :
Wish it can be featured on your blog :D
ohhh so inspiring
I'm simply astonished! Tiziana from Italy
I'd like to see the guitar bag link! Please!
The classic shoulder bag is back in fine form. The latest reinventions of this timeless bag style. Exotics, which have been a major presence in the designer handbag market.
chanel bags
Great selection of purses, thanks. I am looking for a pattern for a bag that takes 3 yards of material (makes 2 bags), has a pocket it stores in, is unlined and large. Does anyone remember the pattern name or where I can find one? Thanks in advance.
Hi thanks for all the amazing links. I put your link on my site. It's
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Thank you.Ità like discover a shop bagg.
this website is simply fantastic!!!!
thanks for sharing all this creativity!!
thanks really like it
I love this site! Some of the tutorial inspired me to make my own bags. I can find lots of pattern just in one site only. I make my own bags too. This one is my wristlet tutorial. I wish it can be featured in your blog. Thanks for sharing.
so many kinds of diy in just one site. so glad to have so many tutorial available here. thank you for the features.
i realized there's no tutorial for "tissue holder with flap". i would like to contribute to this site the tutorial for this project.
please check out my blog: Touch of Magic: tissue holder with flap- instruction
It's not mine, but you should include the Grandview Bag, at
Bag looks simple but very meaningful. Looks like the creators champion in designing handbags. I like this blog. I am interested that want to have it.
Hi there...I have 2 freebie bag tutes on my blog if you are interested.
Hugs Khris
What a great site!
My name is Jennifer from We sell wholesale leather hides direct to the public for furniture, garments, and lots of other types of leathercraft. I found your blog and I think it will be a helpful resource to our customers, so I linked it on our site. If you'd like to review the link you can do so at the address below. If you do any reciprocal linking that would be greatly appreciated as well.
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if I my say so....da-aaamn. This is the best selection of bag possibilities I have seen yet.
My name is Karina from Mexico and
I love your blog... really :D
Hi, I love this blog and the fact that all your links to the tutorials have pictures! I would love it if you could add my tutorial which is a patchworky bifold wallet (
Thanks very much for the wonderful links,
Awesome post a great source of information regarding luggage bags. i likes it's which is used fabrics for bags. Thanks for this wonderful post.
Corporate Gifts
thank you. i'm a beginner. never sewn anything before. managed to understand and sew one bag. yay! i don't even have a sewing machine. hand stitched the whole thing. going to try out more of these great designs.
Hello there! I'm Raki,just found your amazing blog :)))) Can you post my tutorials for bags,please?! You can find them on my blog,it's new one,but I have some tutorials in progress,and done... See you all bag lovers :)))
WOW !!!! it seems you have a bag for each well as for every level of ability ability
thank you
[always sewing bags]
thanks. for a novice like me, who last used a sewing machine in 1979 in secondary school, this is so much fun. after handstitching a few of your bags (successfully!), i went out and bought a sewing machine. can't wait to start using my sewing machine. thanks for giving me the courage to start.
Just wonderfull, each bag is as pretty as the one before and after. Thank you for collecting those links.
i just discovered this blog!
i love you!
this is paradise!
thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the pictures. I just bought a tote bag and this has given me some ideas for the spring!
Wow! Fantastic site! Can't wait to try some, but what will I pick first? Great problem to have!
Thank you very much for sharing these patterns!!
What an awesome site! Thank you so much!!!!
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Nice post. I learn something new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon on a daily basis. It's always
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What a brilliant site. Thank you for sharing and long may it continue :)
Very nice, thanks for sharing.
Hi, I wrote a tutorial for a bag: the Tatanne Bag.
You can find the pattern and tutorial on my blog.
really nice collection of handbags please check out my collection of handbags
Really nice bags on this site.
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Richard Smith from Silver Clutch Purse .
Hello here,
Effectively stated and with wonderful timing. Thanks for the great post which consists of superb information.
Hey everyone!
This is a very nice blog.
If you are interested in Tote Bags and other Hand Bags check out Better Tote Bags.
Go here:
Thank you for all these bags. But I cant find the pattern of "the Jenny bag". It fail. (sorry for my very bad english!)
I burned the documents onto a disc, took it to her house, inserted the disc into her computer, and printed.
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seems to be awesome site, still exploring..
im loving this site..and I also love to share the bags I can I do that??
Hi. add and follow ya.
all bags are really nice and trendy. but to carry them for long trips
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Nice Post. Keep it up!!!
Hi! I hope you will consider adding my free bag pattern to your listings! :) Thanks HEAPS for your consideration!
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Wow what a great selection of stylist and fashionable bags..Buy Branded Bags
I was wondering if you have the "Moda Bag" tutorial. It's a recent bag that is offered in sewing/fabric stores. It's my first one, and I'm stuck with putting it together. I'm up to the step 4.
Thank you,
Peg B
great blog
What an amazing collection of bags! So creative!
Thankyou so much for including
I'd be more than happy if my kitten-shopper would be on your page. Here it is:
awesome site.... designer handbags
very beautiful collection tote bag
great site leather tote handbags
Would love it if you would include my free bag tutorial!
nice collection clutches bags
Hi, an awesome site indeed. Are there any tutorials on bags that look like the reversible bag with many partitions?
Thanks Jane :)
This is really a beautiful collection. I want to collect GROCERY TOTE BAG. Already I have collected Louis Vuitton Takashi Murakami collaboration limited camouflage mini Boston bag at PIJ, its really amazing. Thanks for your nice share.
This is an extremely smartly written article. I will be grateful in case you continue this in future.
great collection shoulder bags
This list is great! Not only does it have a nice variety of projects, it also has PHOTOS of each bag! A list of names & links would far less useful. Thank you for putting this together. :-)
Fairly refreshing piece! I enjoyed reading your article. Many thanks
I love the nintendo bag i'll be making it soon when I go to the arts and craft store next week
I love the nintendo bag i'll be making it soon when I go to the arts and craft store next week
Hi, I am a mom who is looking for something for my daughter to do and even though I have not completely looked through this site I already have tears in my eyes because I am trying to find something enjoyable and rewarding for my daughter and her friend to do this summer. I think I have found just the thing! Thank you thank you thank you. You may have saved my summer! Praise God! Denice
Very inspirating
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